Thursday, September 18, 2014

Why Google Analytics is a great resource

Learning Google Analytics

Today was my first class of google analytics and I think its an amazing tool for marketers and companies in general.
It allows you to see how many people is interested in your web page, facebook, blog etc. It gives you quantity and frequency of people entering your web page. Companies can make meaningful decisions according to the data analysis that google analytics can give.

This will be my first of many posts about google analytics. In this post I will explain the difference between a metric and a dimension.

First of all you need to know that a dimension describes data and a metric measures data.

Dimesion: Is a descriptive attribute or characteristic of an object that can be given different values.

Metrics: Are individual elements of a dimension that can be measured as a sum or a ratio.


I want to finish my blog from a quote that is shown in the google analytics first class.

"Digital analytics is the analysis of qualitative and quantitative data from your business and the competition to drive a continual improvement of the online experience that your customer and potential customer have which translates to your desired outcomes (both online and offline)"
                                                                                                                         - Avinash Kaushik

This is basically what google analytics wants to achieve, help companies to have feedback of how many persons are watching thier web pages with products, links and buttons in order to understand what is a trend and people likes and whats not to act upon it and formulate strategies.

If you want to start learning about this great tool. Please join me in the Google Analytics Academy.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Interesting coop experiences for marketing students in Toronto

Interesting coop experiences for marketing students in Toronto

For people who are interested in a good coop for their marketing posgraduate or if you are a B409 student in George Brown College. These are interesting coops that you could look up and try to get them because they gave value for my friends and colleagues and was not a bad experience for them.

1)   Coop at Nissan Inc.

My friend Julia Lysenko had a great experience in her coop at Nissan and actually she was hired for a part-time job after finishing her experience.
In her blog she describes her experience and maybe it can convince you to apply for the job.

2)  Coop at Nato Council of Canada:                        

Emir Atmaca had a great coop at Nato council of Canada where he could work at different events of the company and help them in their social media to create awareness. It is a great opportunity to build a students networking so if you are interest in this company dont think it twice to enter Emir 
Atmaca´s blog for more information.

3) Opportunity at Randstad Canada:

Randstad Canada is a great opportunity to learn about CRM and the opportunity of getting involved in great projects. For example my friend Luisa Ruiz worked on the Ice bucket challenge campaign for Randstad and had a great time there. For more information visits Luisa´s blog.

4) Work at Intelligence Connect Events:

If you are social and like to work at events, this is the perfect job for you. Career coaching is their speciality and if you want to expand your network this is the job for you. Ask my friend denis about his experience or simply visit him at his blog.

5) Coop at Sears

This is a great opportunity to start working in a big company and learn about their internal operations and strategies. For more information take a look at Annelisse blog.

Hope you have a great Coop! and that my blog was helpful for you.

Juan Garces

Marketing Coop at George Brown Library

In the future when I will think about summer of 2014. I will remember that I was working in my coop as a marketing intern for george brown library.
Basically the library is a conservative environment and doesn't have a marketing department. This is why they decided to hire a marketing and designer students for them to bring their points of views about their college library and come up with new and innovative campaigns. Their main objective was to build campaigns that would improve the way students observe the library with a more younger and appealing look. Secondly they wanted to create a more silent library and with a marketing approach, my objective was to find a way to achieve it.

I created a big campaign with different projects that would change the culture and behavior of students in the library.
The first initiative I worked with was a silent campaign that was named "enjoy the silence". The idea for this campaign was to create a visual experience in the library. First of all I made a division of the spaces we have in the library, so silent study was represented by red color, quiet study by yellow and finally group study by green. With the help of the designer we create the visuals and a new map showing the zones.
For the campaign we also created posters that showed philosophers with quotes about silence and group study.

In order to begin a relationship with students and not only giving them a service. I opened an instagram and pinterest account in order to interact with students. The link I did was to have in the philosopher posters a hash-tag that said "How do you enjoy the silence" and telling them to express themselves by images, messages or other means how do they enjoy the silence and write it on the hash-tag #gbcenjoythesilence.

These were examples of the campaigns and project I came up with. It was challenging because of the regulations that the college has with colors and image but basically was a great experience to come up with new initiatives and strategies for a library that never used marketing strategies.