Thursday, November 20, 2014

Oculus, The platform of the future

Its very possible that you have heard of Oculus in the last couple of years, if not you will most definitely start hearing of it.

The Oculus is an upcoming virtual reality head-mounted display that is said to be the future of computing. Every 10-15 years a new major computing platform arrives and this device is said to be the one that replaces current computing systems.

   Oculus Rift          

In June of the current year Facebook bought Oculus VR, the company that is producing the Virtual reality- head mounted devices. Mark Zuckerberg has big plans for this new platform and is very likely that in 10 years we will communicate and have other kind of facebook with augmented reality. Fcebook bought the company for 2 Billion Dollars.

 Oculus will have multiple uses such as:

  • Hardcore gaming
  • Travel   
  • Communication     
  • Education   
  • Medical
Is very likely that the device will have many more uses in different industries.

This summer in Toronto, people could experience the Oculus Rift in the "Game of thrones exhibiton". With an Oculus the visitors could climb the wall of ice and experience it with virtual reality and 4D. 
You can look at this experiece in this youtube video.

The future is coming so prepare and keep your eyes open for this great device and many more in the Tech Government.


Wednesday, November 5, 2014

The Rise of fitness trackers and smartwatches

It seems that there is a new era and trend in the world of technology and its related with your wrist and a watch.
The some times called "wearable computers" is the new trend and business of the biggest technology and cell phone companies right now.
These watches can connect to the cell phones by bluetooth and give the customer a variety of actions to choose from. A smartwatch offers features such as camera, accelometer, thermometer, altimeter, barometer, compass, chronograph, calculator, cell phone, touch screen, GPS navigation among others.
A survey from BI Intelligence smartphone from October 2014 shows why people are not still ready for smartwatches.




I think that this perception is going to change and in a not distant future, the smartwatches are going to be the trend and success of technology companies.

If you are interested in the new smartwatches in the market, the following are the top rated on the web. However If you are an apple fan you will have to wait until next spring to have your hands on the Apple watch, unfortunately its launch date was delayed.

Pebble Steel = Best Smartwatch overall


Moto 360 = Best Smartwatch Design

Samsung Gear 2 = Best Smartwatch with voice

Samsung Gear fit = Best smartwatch for fitness

So make up your mind and decide which is the best smartwatch for you! It would be a great Christmas treat or present.